Universität Tübingen
Sonderforschungsbereich 'RessourcenKulturen'

Teilprojekt A05: Forschungen
zur Landwirtschaft

zum Projekt

Atlas zum Ackerbau

Atlas of
Agriculture (and Food)


Startseite Publikationen Inhaltsverzeichnis Kartenverzeichnis Kartenübersicht Ortslagen Inhaltsverzeichnis Kartenverzeichnis Beispielkarten Ortslagen Andrea Orendi Marco Nicoli Shyama Vermeersch

Atlas of Agriculture in the Southern Levant
(Bronze Age and Iron Age)

Table of Content

List of Maps

1. Maps on the origins of agriculture in the Middle East

1.1 Middle East: origins of agriculture, Epipalaeolithic (ca. 18550-9800 BCE)

1.2 Middle East: origins of agriculture, Pre-Pottery Neolithic A (ca. 9800–8700 BCE)

1.3 Middle East: origins of agriculture, Pre-Pottery Neolithic B (ca. 8700–7000 BCE)

2. Maps on the natural conditions in the Southern Levant

2.1 Southern Levant: Geographical regions

2.2 Southern Levant: Geographical regions and archaeological sites with archaeobotanical investigations (Early Bronze Age to Iron Age)

2.3 Southern Levant: archaeological sites with archaeobotanical investigations (all periods)

2.4 Southern Levant: Geographical regions and archaeological sites with zooarchaeological investigations (Early Bronze Age to Iron Age)

2.5 Southern Levant: Southwestern region with settlement sites (Early Bronze Age to Iron Age)

2.6 Southern Levant: Northern region with settlement sites (Early Bronze Age to Iron Age)

2.7 Southern Levant: Central region with settlement sites (Early Bronze Age to Iron Age)

2.8 Southern Levant: Southeastern region with settlement sites (Early Bronze Age to Iron Age)

3. Maps on selected plant and animal taxa

3.1.1 Sites with barley remains (Early Bronze Age to Iron Age)

3.1.2 Sites with emmer remains (Early Bronze Age to Iron Age)

3.1.3 Sites with naked wheat remains (Early Bronze Age to Iron Age)

3.1.4 Sites with remains of barley, emmer and naked wheat in comparison (Early Bronze Age to Iron Age)

3.2 Sites with lentil remains (Early Bronze Age to Iron Age)

3.3 Sites with grape seeds (Early Bronze Age to Iron Age)

3.4 Sites with olive pits (Early Bronze Age to Iron Age)

3.5 Sites with remains of linseed and linen textiles (Early Bronze Age to Iron Age)

3.6 Sites with remains of pomegranates and pomegranate imagery (Early Bronze Age to Iron Age)

3.7.1 Sites with bones from ovicaprids, cattle and pigs compared with each other (Early Bronze Age I)

3.7.2 Sites with bones from ovicaprids, cattle and pigs compared with each other (Early Bronze Age II-III)

3.7.3 Sites with bones from ovicaprids, cattle and pigs compared with each other (Early Bronze Age IV)

3.7.4 Sites with bones from ovicaprids, cattle and pigs compared with each other (Middle Bronze Age)

3.7.5 Sites with bones from ovicaprids, cattle and pigs compared with each other (Late Bronze Age)

3.7.6 Sites with bones from ovicaprids, cattle and pigs compared with each other (Iron Age I)

3.7.7 Sites with bones from ovicaprids, cattle and pigs compared with each other (Iron Age II)

3.8 Sites with pig bones (Early Bronze Age to Iron Age)

3.6 Sites with bones of hunted animals (Early Bronze Age to Iron Age)

4. Maps on the development of agriculture in ancient Palestine from the Early Bronze Age to the Iron Age

4.1.1 Early Bronze Age I (ca. 3600-3000 BCE). Settlements

4.1.2 Early Bronze Age I (ca. 3600-3000 BCE). Settlements and archaeobotanical finds

4.1.3 Early Bronze Age I (ca. 3600-3000 BCE). Settlements and zooarchaeological finds

4.2.1 Early Bronze Age II-III (ca. 3000-2400 BCE). Settlements

4.2.2 Early Bronze Age II-III (ca. 3000-2400 BCE). Settlements and archaeobotanical finds

4.2.3 Early Bronze Age II-III (ca. 3000-2400 BCE). Settlements and zooarchaeological finds

4.3.1 Early Bronze Age IV (ca. 2400-2000 BCE). Settlements

4.3.2 Early Bronze Age IV (ca. 2400-2000 BCE). Settlements and archaeobotanical finds

4.3.3 Early Bronze Age IV (ca. 2400-2000 BCE). Settlements and zooarchaeological finds

4.4.1 Middle Bronze Age (ca. 2000-1550 BCE). Settlements

4.4.2 Middle Bronze Age (ca. 2000-1550 BCE). Settlements and archaeobotanical finds

4.4.3 Middle Bronze Age (ca. 2000-1550 BCE). Settlements and zooarchaeological finds

4.5.1 Late Bronze Age (ca. 1550-1200 BCE). Settlements

4.5.2 Late Bronze Age (ca. 1550-1200 BCE). Settlements and archaeobotanical finds

4.5.3 Late Bronze Age (ca. 1550-1200 BCE). Settlements and zooarchaeological finds

4.6.1 Iron Age I (ca. 1200-975 BCE). Settlements

4.6.2 Iron Age I (ca. 1200-975 BCE). Settlements and archaeobotanical finds

4.6.3 Iron Age I (ca. 1200-975 BCE). Settlements and zooarchaeological finds

4.7.1 Iron Age II (ca. 975-586 BCE). Settlements

4.7.2 Iron Age II (ca. 975-586 BCE). Settlements and archaeobotanical finds

4.7.3 Iron Age II (ca. 975-586 BCE). Settlements and zooarchaeological finds

5. Case study maps in ancient Palestine

5.1 Southern Levant. Finds of metal ploughshares